Food – Our Theme for April
Every month we set a theme for the Nurseries. April’s theme is Food.
We will be looking at the different food types, including protein, carbohydrates and vegetables. We will discuss with the children the importance of making healthy food choices, to give us healthy bodies and to provide us with energy.
We will be looking at foods from around the world and different cuisines; and we will be encouraging the children to undertake food tasting activities. We will undertake such activities, whilst being mindful of a child’s allergies, intolerances and dietary requirements.
The children will also be involved in baking and creating different foods.
To support our theme at home, you may like to encourage your child to get involved with the cooking of meals, this could include:
- choosing vegetables to use and fetching them from the fridge
- pulling the seeds out of peppers
- peeling the skins off a garlic clove
- cutting up spring onions or herbs with scissors (under supervision)
- transferring chopped vegetables into an oven tray or saucepan
- pulling fresh herb leaves off of their stalks
- pulling apart lettuce leaves to shred them for a salad
- building a salad by putting all of the prepared ingredients into the salad bowl and mixing them up
- stirring pots
- whisking ingredients together
- spooning ingredients into muffin tins, or on to plates