
Insect Week 24th-28th June

Insect Week is organised by the Royal Entomological Society and is supported by partner organisations throughout the UK and Europe.  The Week is a celebration of all things insect.  Wherever you live, it’s an opportunity to take part in insect science, get to know insects, learn from experts, and have fun.

The Royal Entomological Society states that there are over one million species of insects which have been described and named worldwide. There are more than 24,000 species in the UK alone and we can find insects in almost every habitat. They can be pollinators, predators, pests, parasites and prey and their study is an important part of conservation, food production, medicine and ecology.

Why not join in with Insect Week by doing a minibeast hunt in your garden or local park?  Click here for a minibeast hunt sheet.