
Staff Training & Development March 2020

Bernadetta and our Management Team will be attending the ‘Ofsted Big Conversation’ on Saturday 7th March in Aintree.

The Ofsted Big Conversation brings together representatives of Early Years Childcare Providers and Ofsted across the UK. The aim is:

  • To provide a communication forum where providers, who deliver Early Years care and education, can collectively bring shared areas of concern or common themes on which they seek further clarification, to a representative from Ofsted, and receive a timely response
  • To provide Ofsted an opportunity to give updates on changes and direction and to help dispel Ofsted ‘myths’.

This event is voluntary to attend, but we believe it provides us with a great opportunity to learn first hand of any changes that Ofsted are contemplating; and it is a great way for us to network with other providers and early years representatives.  We look forward to feeding back what we learn to our team.

Bernadetta and the Nursery Managers will also be attending the Quality 4 Early Years Network Meeting in March which is a platform for support and advice, an opportunity to network with other providers, a chance to hear early years, safeguarding and OFSTED updates.  As well as key messages from other speakers, there are opportunities to hear about training events and sample some taster sessions which help to keep us informed and up to date with the Early Years.